There's a crossdomain limitation to post a tweet from UnityWebPlayer.
Here, we used some detour for this.
The main idea is calling javascript function from Unity and using OAuth2.0 to POST.
We used @Anywhere to implement this.
1. Preparation
Register your application to Twitter dev(
After you finish registration, move to @Anywhere Domains in the settings section for the application and register your domain name.

ex. for UnityGames(
That's all for setting up your application.
Then, insert the line into the webpage where you want to put your UnityWebPlayer.
Now, you are ready to use @AnyWhere
2. Implement javascript function in the webpage.
The functions you need are Authorization and POST.
Authorization function is here.
You must always give "oauth_access_token=取得したAccess_Token" as a parameter for posting to Twitter.
3. Implementation in Unity.
It's easy to call javascript function in the webpage from Unity.
You can use,
Application.ExternalCall (
First, authorize your self. If you call the function, a popup window will be shown.
You can try the working example here ->(Let’s Twitter In UnityWebPlayer)
That's all for setting up your application.
Then, insert the line into the webpage where you want to put your UnityWebPlayer.
<script src=" key for your Twitter App&v=1">
Now, you are ready to use @AnyWhere
2. Implement javascript function in the webpage.
The functions you need are Authorization and POST.
Authorization function is here.
function connect(){Next, post function using ajax will be like this. (The function is using JQuery(
var url = ""
//the call back should be the webpage address where your Unity Web Player is.
+ encodeURIComponent(location.href)
+ "&oauth_mode=flow_web_client&oauth_client_identifier=Consumer Key for your Twitter App";
var F = 0;
if (screen.height > 500) {
F = Math.round((screen.height / 2) - (250))
// The window option is a default for @AnyWhere, "twitter_anywhere_auth", "left=" + Math.round((screen.width / 2) - (250)) + ",top=" + F
+ ",width=500,height=500"
+ ",personalbar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes");
//url will be something like "". You must url encode the parameters.Mind that you should use HTTPS protocol here.
function post(url) {
type: "post",
//The access token for twitter can be load with localStorage.getItem("twttr_anywhere")
url: url+ "&oauth_access_token="+encodeURIComponent(localStorage.getItem("twttr_anywhere")),
success: function (e) {
// write whatever you want to do.
You must always give "oauth_access_token=取得したAccess_Token" as a parameter for posting to Twitter.
3. Implementation in Unity.
It's easy to call javascript function in the webpage from Unity.
You can use,
Application.ExternalCall (
First, authorize your self. If you call the function, a popup window will be shown.
Application.ExternalCall ("connect");Next, POST your tweet.
//URL encode your twee (, you can tweet from your Unity Web Player!
Application.ExternalCall ("post", "" + WWW.EscapeURL (tweet));
You can try the working example here ->(Let’s Twitter In UnityWebPlayer)