
Compiling Collada 1.5 schema by JAXB

I had a problem compiling Collada 1.5 schema by JAXB so I write problems and the way I solved it.

What you need to prepare is
  1. Download Collada 1.5.0 Schema (if the extension is "txt", the change it to "xsd")
  2. Download latest JAXB (currently 2.1.9 is the latest)
  3. Open and place them as you need. (also set a path for Java and others)
First, I tried the command "xjc collada_schema_1_5.xsd" and got the following errors.

[ERROR] Property "Source" is already defined. Use <jaxb:property> to resolve this conflict.
line 8785 of file:/Users/shiva/TMP/collada/collada_schema_1_5.xsd

This problem is occurred by name collision it seemed and I found a solution here
"simpleMode.xml" helped to avoid the first problem. (and it worked well for collada 1.4 schema)
The Command was 

"xjc collada_schema_1_5.xsd -extension simpleMode.xml"
(make sure the path to "simpleMode.xml")

When I tried it, "xjc" died of OutOfMemory error however I could not find a way to enlarge memory space for "xjc" command.
So that I needed to call "xjc" from "java" command as follows.

"java -Xmx1024m -jar jaxb-xjc.jar collada_schema_1_5.xsd -extension simpleMode.xsd"

This worked enough and I could get java classes for the schema.

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