Yesterday, I thought of trying to run Emgu CV on Mac OSX.
I write what I did for that here.
*Emgu CV is a OSS Open CV wrapper for .Net framework.
OS: Mac OSX Snow Leopard (10.6.4) failed
Mac OSX Leopard(10.5.8) succeed!
1. Installing Mono and Monodevelop (for now you dont really need Monodevelop)
== Japanese problem ==
You need to specify a font that can be used for your own language if you are using Multi-bytes.
Create next file with admin authority.
Write a line like below.
"Lucida Grande" = "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro"
2. Installing depending libraries via Macports
sudo port selfupdatesudo port upgrade outdatedsudo port install cmakesudo port install ffmpegsudo port install tiff
3. Get a source code from SVN repository
svn co emgucv
5. Executing make
make6. Running samples
move to bin directory
set value to read library from current directory
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHexecute a sample
mono Example.PlanarSubdivision.monoexeError!
System.DllNotFoundException7. Setting Log level and execute again
MONO_LOG_LEVEL=debug mono Example.PlanarSubdivision.monoexeIt seems 64bit is not supported by Mono 2.6.7 so that it is hard to run on Snow Leopard.
8. Trying to build with 32bit option
It said something like Open CV should be 64bit...
hmm, I gave up with Snow Leopard ...
9. Trying with Leopard (10.5.8)
Mostly same as above however library path was different so set as below.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../lib:.:$LD_LIBRARY_PATHI could run the sample!

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